Affordable Housing and Homelessness

  1. Affordable Housing
    • Support fair tax policies that incentivize the inclusion of affordable units in new developments, fostering an inclusive community.
    • Advocate for policies that prioritize the creation of affordable housing options, including multi-familiy units and co-housing models
  2. Denser Neighbourhoods
    • Promote policies that encourage smart, sustainable development to create vibrant, livable neighborhoods.
    • Support initiatives that enhance local businesses and amenities, contributing to a stronger sense of community in Ward 6.
  3. Collaboration with Non-Profits
    • Foster partnerships with community organizations focused on addressing homelessness, enabling a comprehensive approach to the issue.
    • Advocate for integrated support services alongside housing initiatives to help individuals and families thrive.
  4. Simplify Access for Small-scale Developers
    • Streamline processes for small-scale developers to engage in gentle density increases through infill projects.
    • Reduce bureaucratic hurdles to empower local developers, ensuring that growth aligns with neighborhood character and sustainability.
  5. Community Supports and Shelter Spaces
    • Promote long-term solutions to effectively combat homelessness and ensure people have a place to turn in times of crisis.
    • Advocate for increased funding for community supports and shelter spaces to provide immediate relief for vulnerable residents.


"I envision a Ward 6 where everyone has a safe place to live, where neighborhoods are vibrant and inclusive, and where support is available for those who need it. Together, we can build a community that reflects our values of compassion, inclusivity, and sustainability."

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